Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Senseless Rant of A Diseased Mind

Thought you were in a bad mood today
Even if you werent this is here to stay :)
Something funny can never be sad!
Thats the reason the world's not all mad

Mad if they were geniuses we'd find
Like einstein and curie
who'd PLOP! every night!!!
Invent me this and invent me that
I wonder what their minds revolved that they come up with all crap!

Inventions and Discoveries onaaa-
o- Damn!
I fell Knee DEEP!

This is why you should look down when youre walking
And look when youre driving
And look in general because your eyes aint-awaking
Again lost in thoughts did i realise?
The ditch now seems to have engulfed my behind???

O- What - THE -Hell!
I havent even seen the us of states!!

Die if i today though.....
Damn..... I need someone to blame!

A Will i have none
Write i wanted to once!
Never realised id die before 22 though
Dont honey bees too go.. hmmmmmm?

A-will-i-am isnt he a rapper
Oh god my brains just such a crapper
What should i do?
CPR doesnt train you for this!
They should probably teach in school for situations as this!

Well if they can talk about the vegetation at nevada they can surely talk about ditches that kill!!!


I hate how people even attempt its study
Its there -
In front of you
What the hell do you not see????

If its pine trees and apple groves
Its pine trees and apple groves
You dont need a reason for them to grow do you!
Be happy they exist
Now let them be
Dont try to plant them wherever space's freee!!!

O-what O-what do i do with this head of mine
Maybe this is what all you think before you die
They say your life flashes before your eyes
This I- tell you though is one of a kind

Maybe i was destined to fall in this ditch
Spiritual Insanity
I hear its an abyss!

Oh Blah! Bah! Beep and Boo
I tend to mutter incoherently when i dont know what to do
Dude! someone save this chick from this quicksand of a ditch!
Her brain forever rattles in-sense
Good for you, aint it?
To feel intel- ligent!

Is that a horses trot- i scent
I wonder how I took riding lessons in that wormhole of a vent
Trot-Trot that steed -bugy- went
Fucked my tail bone i tell you
Im not too sure if im still a virgin!!

Education nowadays.....!
Now there's something to blame
Before i meander in my thoughts wasnt there a steed down the lane?

Help Help! Help this poor sole!
hee hee- i swear my shoe size is more than 4

A fairy tale comes true!
My knight in shining armour awaits!!
Oh wait he's stopped!
Umm....I think he found some food

Food over damsel thats one of a kind
I tell you seriously the world today, divine!

Rescue-Rescue this little damsel tonight
'll give you certain gifts that you may never find
I'll be your hand, your legs and will churn out those eggs!
Till sunny side-up! is creamy with hot keggs!!

Neeeiigh! or Barf!
I dunno how a horse sound translates
Ave! what the hell-
My knight in shining armour is here to save

Oh my god
It must be a disguise
The knight ew! - Its only al-gore!
humph humph
Aah Oh well!
A fairy tale indeed
I wish though he doesn't feed me to a boar......